Our Colleges and Universities

Our Colleges and Universities

Now with over 8 years of Formal English teaching, students are quite well versed with all aspects of English reading, writing, listening and grammar - Students English Speaking ability is vastly improving - now it is our role to prepare students for the domestic and/or international workplace so as to establish a comprehensive and professional English language base

Our more experienced teachers are tasked with preparing our University and College students for life in the community and workplace, domestically or abroad. We achieve this by structuring smaller discussion groups and facilitate robust conversation based on current issues and topics of student interests. 

Students on some campuses also take part in role playing activities, acting out various scenarios created by students and teachers etc 

The main goal at University level is to engage students on a conversational level keeping discussion topics and lesson content interesting, fresh and relevant to our students lives – this in turn promotes students speaking abilities. 

Our Colleges and Universities